Leaf Catching ~ Magnus Genioso

summer 2018

Close the eyes, listen to Magnus Genioso’s river walk.

“Sound shapes our sense of place, defines our environment.”

Through the independent podcast, Where@bouts, his collaborative cohorts remix sounds to further emplace, to listen to its beauty even if (or because) it’s a protest rally.

When invited to participate in a conversation about his experimenting in independent podcasting for Earlid’s Radio without Scaffolding, Magnus Genioso went out to the river to ponder ideas.

“The lake is the opportunity that podcasting gives us,” Magnus suggests.

“There are a lot of people waiting there, waiting for those one-of-a kind leaves. We remix everyday ambience … we throw out more and more of those weird-shape leaves … now did this work?”

Magnus Genioso podcasts collectively at Mad Manor via Where@bouts. Explore the entire “Yasmeen’s Rally” series/tracks.