Helen White – “I think of it as silence”

But the narrative often disappears. And time is gone, too. There’s an element of illegibility.”

Helen White lives in Ghent, Belgium. She makes visual poetry and visual/audio performances. When she mentions a poem small as a pebble to swirl around the mouth, you follow a trek: words get dragged off a page and dabbed onto the sculpted body of a woman, traveling into the ears of the listener.

Helen’s work has been included in the anthologies Zieteratuur (Groningen, 2010), Last Vispo (Fantagraphics, 2012), A Global Visage (edition ch, 2012) and Local Colour: ghosts, variations (In Edit Mode, 2012) and can be seen online at www.krikri.be/helen. Her chapbook fist house is newly published by Dancing Girl Press.

This audio melding (of her concepts, words and performance of Anchorite) was produced for The WHY Conversations, a Trickhouse guest curation in 2014 by Joan Schuman.