Author Archives: Joan Schuman

Story Is …
Four curators arrive by happenstance for a collaborative series. Each offers one artist who questions how narrative is spoken and heard, structured out of the gems and ruins of old stories. The exhibits unfold at the beginning of the month and then give way to the next.

Story Is …
Four curators arrive by happenstance for a collaborative series. Each offers one artist who questions how narrative is spoken and heard, structured out of the gems and ruins of old stories. The exhibits unfold at the beginning of the month and then give way to the next.

Story Is … Crypto Acoustic
The artistry can fool completely says curator Marjorie Van Halteren of Andy Slater’s Crypto Acoustic Auditory Non-Hallucination and its accompanying ephemera studying a type of visual hallucination experienced by people with vision loss. Slater says it’s about access to technology in an uncertain world, in a blind future.
March 2024.

Story Is … Crypto Acoustic
The artistry can fool completely says curator Marjorie Van Halteren of Andy Slater’s Crypto Acoustic Auditory Non-Hallucination and its accompanying ephemera studying a type of visual hallucination experienced by people with vision loss. Slater says it’s about access to technology in an uncertain world, in a blind future.
March 2024.

Story Is … The Juicy Part
Jess Shane scrutinizes narrative structure as it spirals around divulged stories of trauma. Curator Joan Schuman suggests it is a constructed mirroring of our own complicity in the ‘nowhere’ of our commodified scattering and posting across social media.

Story Is … The Juicy Part
Jess Shane scrutinizes narrative structure as it spirals around divulged stories of trauma. Curator Joan Schuman suggests it is a constructed mirroring of our own complicity in the ‘nowhere’ of our commodified scattering and posting across social media.

Story Is … Loops of Retreat
“Blackness, disfluency and music are forces that open time.” Curator Caroline Preziosi suggests of JJJJJerome Ellis’s work that fluency assumes and enforces a standard. When you tie all the loose ends, you lose the opportunity to weave them in.

Story Is … Loops of Retreat
“Blackness, disfluency and music are forces that open time.” Curator Caroline Preziosi suggests of JJJJJerome Ellis’s work that fluency assumes and enforces a standard. When you tie all the loose ends, you lose the opportunity to weave them in.

Story Is … Pink Noise
The intimacy of whispers highlights the experience of processing languages, especially in frail states of receiving healthcare as an immigrant says curator Merve Ünsal of Banu Çiçek Tülü’s sonic artistry. These spectral whispers add to a sense of navigating multiple boundaries and translations.

Story Is … Pink Noise
The intimacy of whispers highlights the experience of processing languages, especially in frail states of receiving healthcare as an immigrant says curator Merve Ünsal of Banu Çiçek Tülü’s sonic artistry. These spectral whispers add to a sense of navigating multiple boundaries and translations.

Memory Hole
Three sonic approaches weigh the heft of correcting the archives. They cast the granular scope of race and gender; the politics of radio art collections; the irony of sampling the sample, and in each, there is a reshaping. Featuring Ariana Martinez, Ricardo iamuuri Robinson & Karen Werner.

Memory Hole
Three sonic approaches weigh the heft of correcting the archives. They cast the granular scope of race and gender; the politics of radio art collections; the irony of sampling the sample, and in each, there is a reshaping. Featuring Ariana Martinez, Ricardo iamuuri Robinson & Karen Werner.
The Archive of Future Signals
by Karen Werner, summer 2022 The Archive of Future Signals is a hörspiel I made in 2020 while I was a Radio Artist Fellow at Wave Farm. My tasks as Fellow included selecting pieces for a radio art archive and
The Archive of Future Signals
by Karen Werner, summer 2022 The Archive of Future Signals is a hörspiel I made in 2020 while I was a Radio Artist Fellow at Wave Farm. My tasks as Fellow included selecting pieces for a radio art archive and
Blackbody, White Noise
by Ricardo iamuuri Robinson, summer 2022 As I read this question—What parts of the human condition are you making work for?—the term condition resonates with me the most. I feel in this moment the condition of humanity cannot avoid intersectionality
Blackbody, White Noise
by Ricardo iamuuri Robinson, summer 2022 As I read this question—What parts of the human condition are you making work for?—the term condition resonates with me the most. I feel in this moment the condition of humanity cannot avoid intersectionality
Perfect Love
by Ariana Martinez, summer, 2022 Perfect Love is a response to the text and moving and still images generated by the artist Taehee Whang in their work, Walking to My Grandfather’s Mound. This work’s origins—virtually visiting their grandfather’s burial site in
Perfect Love
by Ariana Martinez, summer, 2022 Perfect Love is a response to the text and moving and still images generated by the artist Taehee Whang in their work, Walking to My Grandfather’s Mound. This work’s origins—virtually visiting their grandfather’s burial site in

What is not a map?
We have tried to pin down the unmappable, like a virus or a cure or a border. A signal is spotted. Gap-maps are traversed between media. Ten sonic projects consider the dissipation for Earlid’s annual Liminal Sounds.

What is not a map?
We have tried to pin down the unmappable, like a virus or a cure or a border. A signal is spotted. Gap-maps are traversed between media. Ten sonic projects consider the dissipation for Earlid’s annual Liminal Sounds.