These are miniatures, little paintings of sound evoking evanescent bodies. Spare and quiet; then an enormity of sound explodes or dissolves into more silence. The static offers clarity if you yield to it.
Julia Bejarano López – Breathe A breathing transit towards a threshold or boundary that separates and unites two sound spaces: an inhalation and an exhalation. When the inhalation ends the exhalation begins but the exhalation is just the reflection of the inhalation starting again from the end. This is a big breath, a transition or union between two spaces that creates a new sound space.
Follow Julia Bejarano López.
Pôm B. Bouvier – Fractal Motion There is no stability. A door can open and a memory comes up; there is a lot of energy there, but also a kind of anti-energy that could cancel everything. This piece takes place during the night in an old church. During that suspended time, waves of sensations and memories come and go away. We cannot know what is going on. We just can be in that present, deeply inside, to have no expectations, and no power.
“I wanted to build a changing, moving space where the body, through listening, cannot find any stability.” Explore more of the artist’s compositions.
Blanc Sceol (Stephen Shiell + Hannah White) – Flame Here are recordings of transitional objects, spaces and elements—a gate, a lift, an escalator and the sea. The voice conveys a poem about a painting depicting a woman holding a flame, a messenger between worlds. Field recordings, composition and vocals by Blanc Sceol (collaboration between Stephen Shiell & Hannah White); words by Lindie White. The image inspiring this haunting poem was painted by Roy White.
Flame is a piece newly created for Earlid.
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